Hi there! Basil/Cloudy here, and this is my little space on the internet. Here you will be able to find a collection of favourite art of my own, links to my socials and my own blog.
If you are here because I met you in a con or scanned my card's QR code it's better to tag me in Instagram.
I am webdev student from Andalucía, Spain who likes too many things, say photography, games, drawing and computers, and who knows what else. See the relevant section for more.
My pronouns are sher/her or they/them.
This site is divided in several sections. They can accessed through the upper navigation or right here:
- About: More personal facts, stuff I spend my time on or things I would like to get involved in.
- Blog: Articles about the many things I enjoy, life updates or random ramblings.
- Photos: A collection of my favourite pics taken by yours truly.
- Art: Digital and traditional art I make every once in a blue moon.
- Socials: An assortment of sites where you can reach me.